Monday, September 30

Review: The Mentalist Season 7 Episode 1........

If you are a heart patient you should not read further more because that will be very dangerous for you, not me. Aha, just kidding. But still this is still very serious stuff you will read. So be ready for it.

This is for all mentalist lovers who are out there. You would have read the post that was made about the release of Mentalist's season 7 and you would have understood that how eager I was about this, but the first episode was much more than I expected.

Two Boys Who Rocked The Google Play And Apple App Store From Their Bedroom............

You would have heard of people who were nobody at some instant and became a well known famous personality. If not then you are gonna start with two minors who just rocketed their way up to make the news headlines.

Yes, I am talking abut the whiz kids, Sharavan Kumaran and Sanjay Kumaran, who happens to be brothers. Sharavan, who is a 14 year old 9th grade student

Google Server Gone Slow as Gmail's Working gets Affected.......

From years we have been using Google and it's services without any gross problem, but recently google's server became slow or something due to which Gmail was severely. It happened on Monday that almost half of the webmail service’s users experienced delivery delays and problems downloading attachments.

Gmail's status dashboard page was updated to reflect that a small percentage of users was having trouble. But that was not it. Many hourly updates

Saturday, September 28

The Mentalist's (Season 6) First Episode set to release on Sept. 29.....

I all have been seeing The Mentalist, a popular American Crime Procedural TV show created by Bruno Heller, since 2008 and still i am not completely fed up with it. And now I am going to have a new whole season of this awesome show just in two days.

I just can't wait to see Simon baker (Patrick Jane) in action again. Now enough talking about me and let's start talking about the first episode of the show.

Tuesday, September 24

Narendra Modi Now On Smartphones..........

Has anybody thought about havaing a smartphone based on any of the countries Icon people, ever?

If not, then think again because now you are getting not one but two of such phones in just about a month and a half. Yes, a Gujarat-based group has launched two Narendra Modi themed smartphones in India,

Wednesday, September 11

Goldust Fight's The WWE Champion Randy Orton To Get His Brother's Job Back...............

On the first Raw of September, a WWE superstar Cody Rhodes was fired by WWE's COO Triple H. It was because Cody lost to WWE champion Randy Orton in a non-title match. This match was specifically made by Triple H due the disrespect he felt when cody questioned his bussiness tactics live on Raw.

Wednesday, September 4

"TRENDING NOW"- From Now On Will Be A Common Section On Facebook...........

A little while earlier Facebook followed Twitter by introducing "Hashtags'#'" function. And now they are doing the same thing by creating a different section as "Trending". Although this is stilll in the testing phase, but still it is a copy. This new section can be considered as an expriment which is being done by Facebook to just go up a little.

It was likely to happen as any topic which ids hashtagged means it is popular as like trending. The hashtags were introduced last month and now the "trending topics section"