Samsung Electronics today announced the launch of NX Mini, the world's slimmest and lightest interchangeable lens camera which sports an ultra slim design (22.5 mm) and weighs 158gm only (body only). The new camera is priced at Rs. 22,990 (9mm lens) and Rs. 27,490 (9-27mm lens).
The NX Mini is available in five different colors - white, black, brown, green, and pink - in India. To attract customers,
the company is also offering a Samsung Backpack worth Rs 1,999 for free with this camera. The NX mini has a range of exclusive features that allow photographers to easily indulge in the global trend of self-shooting (Selfie). With a 75.2mm (3.0-inch) Flip up and Touch Display that flips 180-degrees and a 9mm wide angle lens, users can frame images of themselves perfectly, capture group shots from an arm's length away and easily be a part of those.
This latest addition to the NX series, NX Mini SMART camera sports a portable and stylish design with impressive image quality. This power packed camera, with a 1" BSI CMOS sensor and innovative features like Wink Shot and Baby Monitor, also boasts of NFC and Wi-Fi capabilities that allow sharing of images on a real-time basis.
Talking about interchangeable lenses, Samsung has introduced three NX mini lenses (NX-M) which are optimised for use with the NX mini body.
the company is also offering a Samsung Backpack worth Rs 1,999 for free with this camera. The NX mini has a range of exclusive features that allow photographers to easily indulge in the global trend of self-shooting (Selfie). With a 75.2mm (3.0-inch) Flip up and Touch Display that flips 180-degrees and a 9mm wide angle lens, users can frame images of themselves perfectly, capture group shots from an arm's length away and easily be a part of those.
This latest addition to the NX series, NX Mini SMART camera sports a portable and stylish design with impressive image quality. This power packed camera, with a 1" BSI CMOS sensor and innovative features like Wink Shot and Baby Monitor, also boasts of NFC and Wi-Fi capabilities that allow sharing of images on a real-time basis.
Talking about interchangeable lenses, Samsung has introduced three NX mini lenses (NX-M) which are optimised for use with the NX mini body.
The NX-M 9mm F3.5 ED lens has a slim
design and its wide angle makes it the ideal choice for those capturing
landscapes and self-portraits. This lens also provides the optimum angle
for taking selfies.
The NX-M9-27mm F3.5-5.6 ED OIS lens is a micro-compact zoom lens that offers a variety of shooting options from wide-angle to telephoto shots, with optical image stabilization for sharp results.
The NX-M9-27mm F3.5-5.6 ED OIS lens is a micro-compact zoom lens that offers a variety of shooting options from wide-angle to telephoto shots, with optical image stabilization for sharp results.
"We are very excited to be the strategic partner for Samsung's
Digital Imaging Category in India. We are the fastest growing ecommerce
platform in the country today and this partnership is a validation of
the faith customers and sellers place on our brand. This partnership
gives us the opportunity to forge deeper engagement with photography
enthusiasts across the country and aligns with our vision of offering
customers in India the widest selection at low prices, fast and reliable
delivery and a trustworthy shopping experience.", said Mr. Samir Kumar,
Director, Category Management, Amazon India.
The NX Mini is exclusively available at at the given price.
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