Wednesday, September 11

Goldust Fight's The WWE Champion Randy Orton To Get His Brother's Job Back...............

On the first Raw of September, a WWE superstar Cody Rhodes was fired by WWE's COO Triple H. It was because Cody lost to WWE champion Randy Orton in a non-title match. This match was specifically made by Triple H due the disrespect he felt when cody questioned his bussiness tactics live on Raw.

Cody fought like a true wrestler but eventually lost the fight. And now, his brother will face randy orton to get cody's job back. Goldust, cody's brother, has returned after a long time due to an injury, and as he returns he has to fight for his brother.

This is a chance given by COO Triple H to Goldust so that he can get his brother's job back. Let's see what happens when he goes into the match and for his brother's whole career as a WWE Superstar.........

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